Karl Friedrich Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Karl Friedrich Gebhardt, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
Karl has 12 ancestors and 10 heirs.

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  1. Karl Friedrich Gebhardt born 1829-11-28 in Schopfingen - 1907 (Kaufmann)
    1. Frieda Gebhardt born 1865-01-03 in Vevey, CH - 1868
    2. Charles Eugène Gebhardt born 1866-08-13 in Vevey, CH - 1885 (Kaufmann)
    3. Eugènie Gebhardt born 1869-12-15 in Vevey, CH - 1878
    4. Alice Francesane Gebhardt born 1876-03-19 in Vevey, CH - 1876
    5. Albert Francois Gebhardt born 1878-03-28 in Vevey, CH
      1. Renée Jeanne Gabriele Gebhardt born 1905-08-11 in Unknown
      2. Charles Albert Gebhardt born 1906-12-12 in Aigle - 1906
      3. Madeleine Hortense Mar. Gebhardt born 1908-04-27 in Aigle
      4. Charles Albert Gebhardt born 1910-09-17 in Aigle
    6. Jeanne Marie Gebhardt born 1880-09-01 in Vevey, CH


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