Ruby Mae Pape

This is the Family tree of Ruby Mae Pape, a member (in the 26th generation) of a great family.
She has 11 ancestors and 16 heirs.

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  1. Ruby Mae Pape born about 1918 in Texas - 1999
    1. Hazel Ann Altwein born 1938-02-06 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
    2. Robert Williams Altwein born 1940-12-17 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
    3. Frankie Edwards Altwein born 1942-11-20 in Comal, TX, USA
      1. Ryan Andrew Altwein born 1971-10-27 in Comal, TX, USA   
        1. Connor Gustav Altwein born after 1991 in Unknown
      2. Rayno Earl Altwein born 1973-05-16 in Comal, TX, USA
        1. Tyler Austin Altwein born 1993-06-08 in Comal, TX, USA
        2. Tate James Altwein born after 1993 in Unknown
      3. J'Layne Marie Altwein born 1975-07-22 in Comal, TX, USA  
        1. Daryn Christopher Rice born 1996-04-04 in TX, USA
        2. Justin Daniel Rice born 1998-03-14 in TX, USA
        3. Clay Devon Vines born 2002-03-15 in TX, USA
        4. Katelyn Elizabeth Vines born 2005-12-17 in TX, USA
    4. Charlotte Fay Gotthardt born 1949-03-22 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
      1. Christopher Edward White born 1977-03-11 in Calhoun, TX, USA
      2. Nicholas William White born 1978-12-16 in Calhoun, TX, USA


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