Johann Jacob Zipp

This is the Family tree of Johann Jacob Zipp, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Johann has 2 ancestors and 46 heirs.

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  1. Johann Jacob Zipp born 1804-06-10 in Germany - 1882
    1. John Michael Zipp born 1833-04-15 in Germany - 1905
      1. John H. Jr. Zipp born 1867-04-12 in Germany - 1904
        1. Alvin Zipp born 1885-10-30 in Unknown - 1895
        2. John Charles Zipp born 1899-10-09 in Unknown - 1935
      2. August K. Zipp born 1873-01-19 in Germany - 1936
        1. Arno W. C. Zipp born 1903-09-18 in Unknown - 1905
        2. Laura P. Zipp born 1906-07-06 in Unknown - 1983
    2. Catharine Zipp born 1836-01-26 in Germany - 1894
    3. Christian Zipp born 1837-06-07 in Germany - 1928
      1. Heinrich 'Henry' Wilhelm Zipp born 1870-06-27 in Germany - 1909
      2. Herman Zipp born 1873-06-08 in Germany - 1936
        1. Ottmar Zipp born 1906-09-11 in Unknown - 1908
        2. Melinda Zipp born 1910-03-03 in Unknown - 1910
      3. Emma Zipp born 1875-06-18 in Germany - 1964
        1. Lydia Bodemann born 1906-05-17 in USA - 1986
        2. Arno Bodemann born about 1917 in USA - 2004
      4. Oscar Zipp born 1885-05-27 in Germany - 1908
      5. Otto Julius Zipp born 1885-05-27 in Germany - 1885
      6. Ella Zipp born 1889-03-14 in Germany - 1973
    4. Caroline Zipp born 1841-07-09 in Germany - 1903
      1. Caroline Schumann born 1867-08-26 in Guadalupe, Texas - 1946
        1. Caroline Adams born about 1892 in USA - 1982
          1. Arthur Herfurth born about 1925 in USA - 2005
            1. Allen Herfurth born about 1951 in USA - 1951
            2. Dennis Wayne Herfurth born about 1957 in USA - 1995
        2. Fritz Adams born about 1896 in USA - 1968
        3. Emma Mathilde Adams born about 1899 in USA - 1991
          1. Melanie Krueger born about 1925 in USA
      2. Karl Friedrich Schumann born 1868-09-24 in USA - 1933
        1. Eddie Schumann born 1903-05-18 in USA - 1978
      3. Wilhelm Schumann born 1870-10-31 in USA - 1940
        1. Carolina Schumann born 1899-05-25 in USA - 1976
        2. Willie Ernest Schumann born 1908-05-13 in USA - 1989
      4. Heinrich Schumann born 1872-08-30 in USA
      5. Matilda Schumann born 1874-02-20 in USA - 1947
        1. Walter Weidner born 1899-10-14 in USA - 1942
      6. Ernst J. Schumann born 1880-03-23 in USA - 1971
        1. Gilbert W. Schumann born 1918-08-10 in USA - 1970
      7. Otto Schumann born 1882-02-15 in USA - 1950
        1. Erwin Schumann born 1911-02-05 in Guadaupe, Texas? - 1972
      8. Fritz Schumann born 1884-04-10 in USA - 1963
    5. Wilhelm Zipp born 1844-03-06 in Germany - 1935
      1. Walter Zipp born 1884-07-02 in Germany - 1956
        1. Norma Zipp born 1908-09-08 in Germany - 1909
        2. Nolan W. Zipp born about 1918 in Germany
      2. Bruno C. Zipp born 1891-10-02 in Germany - 1905


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